Certification of pellets
and fuel briquettes
CERTIFICATION (from the Latin sertifico - certificate)
1) objective and independent confirmation of the compliance of the characteristics of products or services with the requirements;
2) the procedure for obtaining a certificate.

Pellets / Briquettes - we conduct laboratory studies of quality indicators, determine: calorific value, ash content, density, moisture, abrasion, content of chemicals according to domestic and European methods.

To conduct tests, you need to send us copies of the following documents to e-mail: ukrenergosert@ukr.net:
Completed APPLICATION, VAT certificate or registration certificate for non-VAT payers.
In response, we will send an invoice for the payment of the tests.

The price of testing pellets or briquettes is UAH 4 990 (without VAT).
Based on the results of the tests, a certificate is issued in Ukrainian.
At the request of the customer, certificates are issued in other languages, the cost of each additional translation of the certificate is UAH 500.00 (without VAT).
At the same time, it is necessary to indicate the correct spelling, the name of your organization and its address in the desired foreign language in the application.

Samples in the amount of 3 kg, tightly and hermetically packed in the shipment, as well as the original application! (Insert in samples), send to:
Kyiv, Nova Poshta Post Office No. 3021, 3069, if the post offices are not working, then send to the Nova Poshta branch No. 178 to the addressee: UCMSE "UkrEnergoSert".
Payment at the expense of the sender.
After sending, report the invoice number to the e-mail address ukrenergosert@ukr.net
or SMS to mobile phone number 050 3510028

IMPORTANT: when sending, indicate the recipient exactly UCMSE "UkrEnergoSert", tel.: 050 3510028.
Correct fulfillment of the shipping conditions will help us to receive your shipment faster, process it and send the results to the address specified in the application.

Laboratory testing of samples is carried out only after payment has been received. If payment is not received within 21 calendar days after receiving the samples, the samples will be disposed of.

Please note that information on the protocol will be available from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

A compelling request to indicate the recipient's address in full. City Full name or company name. address carefully with all details. In case of errors or insufficient information, the sending of documents may be delayed.
If the recipient's address is not specified after receiving the document electronically, we will be forced to send to the customer's legal address next month.
A convincing request to send the declaration number after sending the samples to Nova Poshta. If there is no declaration with a sample, there may be problems at Novaya Poshta. Pay attention to this.
Acts of completed works are issued after formation by the 6th of the following month. Please call us about this issue.

All documents, acts, etc. send to the address Kyiv Bozhenka 83 No. 378 recipient UKRENERGOSERT.

We are open on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00.

Download application - pellets
Samples of incorrectly sent products
Residues of inadequate quality after tests
Fill out an application and we will contact you shortly