About our company
"CMSE" Eurosert "is a professional organization for international certification and conformity assessment.

"CMSE" Eurosert "- has partnership relations with the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine. Authorized in the field of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 45001, ISO 22000, ISO 27001.

Our specialists are leading experts and auditors with European and Ukrainian accreditation, chief auditors, candidates and doctors of science with experience of 20 years in the Technical Regulation system

(DST) and the modern European system of conformity assessment.

"CMSE" Eurosert "is an authorized body in the certification of fuel and energy complexes of Ukraine according to the All-Ukrainian Energy Committee.

We are the official representative:

DSP "Gazpromsert" NP "National Institute of Oil and Gas"

CJSC "Encertico" Central Energy Certification Authority of Russia

"DetNorskeVeritas" International Certification Society

LLC "Ukrainian-German joint venture" TYuF Nord-Dieks "

Our goals are to contribute to the stable and efficient operation of enterprises operating in the energy industry through product certification and management systems for these companies, including companies providing services or supplying products for the energy industry.

Since 2009, the scope of the company has been expanded, namely:

- Organized work on the provision of services for CE-labeling.

Politics "CMSE" Eurosert "

The management of CMSE Eurocert is aware of the importance of maintaining compliance with international standards of products and services that the energy industry provides to industrial enterprises and the public and assumes responsibility for complying with the relevant requirements of international standards when performing certification activities. The CMSE EuroCert is based on the principles of transparency and openness to all stakeholders. We respect our customers and strive to create harmonious relationships to improve the level of management in the main areas of their activities. We are committed to continuously improving our performance, setting, analyzing and periodically reviewing our goals.

Director of CMSE "Eurosert"

Yu. I. Zubenko

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